Herbs self correcting puzzle

made to order

Thank you for visiting! We are moving and restructing in a few months, so to prepare, we only have limited inventory. I will be updating the stock as I make them throughout first quarter, but there will be a big update after March. In the meantime, please email me if you are looking for something specific, I will make it for you. As a tiny company we need to stop production to do any major changes, I am so sorry for the inconvenience.

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Beautiful self correcting puzzle for your little chef or botanist that will help them identify and label various herbs.  

Young children will enjoy matching the puzzle pieces as a simple work by itself while older children will enjoy identifying the various herbs and using their knowledge to help them with gardening and cooking.

This set contains 8 herbs, each in 2 puzzle pieces, and 8 labels.

Base is made of maple and inserts are made of aspen hardwood. Each piece put together is 3"x3". 

If you have the owl puzzle, this will fit perfectly in that base.

Shipping and returns


  • Rates calculated at checkout, please get in contact with us if you have any questions.
  • Turnaround time depends on the product, generally it ranges from 2-4 weeks.
  • You can upgrade to shorter shipping at checkout.
  • Please contact me if you have a deadline, I will try my level best to work with you and make them asap <3


  • Rates calculated at checkout, please get in contact with us if you have any questions.
Select An Option To Add To Your Cart
With the base / $34.95
Just the puzzle pieces / $29.95